About us

Unlock the power of IoT for your business

Vertical M2M is an IoT expert since 2008. Our flagship product CommonSense IoT Platform® enables solution providers, system integrators, industrial players, telcos or device makers to build and deploy with ease end-to-end IoT solutions : Energy | Environment | SmartCity| Smart Building | Industry 4.0. 

Relying on CommonSense IoT Platform®, we also deliver a portfolio of turnkey solutions (CS-Solutions) to provide immediate benefits to our Industrial and B2B customers : CS-SmartWater for Water Utilities, CS-AirQuality to monitor environmental conditons, CS-SmartBuilding to bring Building & Energy management solutions…


Year we were founded


IoT use cases rolled-out


"CommonSense-ready" pre-integrated IoT devices


Countries using our products


IoT Pioneers and more !

Our founders took part in the launch of several innovations in France : the first Short Message Services (SMS) in the mid ’90s; first Free ISPs offers in France in 1999 as well as then pioneered the enterprise IP Centrex / SAAS IP Telephony market in 2001 with a turnkey service platform. 

Passionate about IoT technologies, we have always been early adopters and promoters of emerging technologies, in particular LPWAN technologies : Sigfox and LoRAWAN as early as 2015, 5G since 2017, NB-IoT and LTE-M since 2019, LPWAN satellite since 2019…

We also are an active and committed player of technological clusters and professional associations… and since 2022 we also organize a dedicated IoT event to contribute to the IoT ecosystem :IoT DAY FRANCE. 

Our Vision

IoT is the keystone of your data strategy to improve your services

Every business needs to collect, analyze and process data to improve overall performance of your organization. To get the most out of analytics, AI, datalakes&big data, you can not do without field data as it helps you take the right decisions, improve quality of service and let you imagine valuable solutions for your customers... which necessarily means IoT sensors & devices to measure and pilot. IoT is about dealing with these data and turning them into applications and features for your data strategy. IoT is about how technology can efficiently deliver ways to solve painpoints in your organization with smart use cases and end to-end solutions...
That's why we strive to combine strong IoT technology capabilities (CommonSense IoT Platform) to ease access to applications, and turnkey solutions (CS Solutions) to let you immediately unlock the potential of IoT for your business !

Our values


We are true experts in IoT, supporting a wide range of IoT devices, technologies, architectures and use cases, you can rely on us for your IoT solutions !

Team work

Our committed team combines various experiences, cultures and expertise, and work hard together to solve complex issues and turn them into simple solutions.


We are convinced that IoT and our solutions can bring a true positive impact and are continuously working with this purpose.

Innovation & Creativity

Our DNA relies on Innovation and Creativity to find smart ways to solve complex problems and turn it into usable services

Customer Oriented

We strive everyday to help our customers succeed and reach their goals thanks to IoT and deliver a unique premium support and assistance to grant customer's satisfaction...

Trusted by

Management & Board

Maurice ZEMBRA

Co-Founder and CEO

Maurice has 20 years of entrepreneurial experience. He launched two companies including Vertical M2M. Maurice is an expert in telecom, software and industrial innovation. He graduated from Télécom ParisTech and University Paris IX Dauphine. 



Julien has 25 years of technical experience in telecom and software as well as 18 years of experience in management of R&D teams. He is a Central Lille graduate. 

Ready to take part to the IoT revolution ?