Built-in security for your IoT solutions

Security is a major issue which must be dealt with from end-to-end within an IoT solution. The software part of the IoT solution architecture, materialized by CommonSense IoT Platform®, integrates several security layers :

    • Secured communication layers
    • Management tools web portal (CommonSense Device Management module) in HTTPS/SSL
    • Secured APIs with tokens & access authentification
    • Secured front-end application for data access
    • Tracking of all operations performed on the platform
    • Multi-level architecture and data model enabling the seperation of technical and applicative contexts of the different clients and service suppliers on a same platform (multi-tenant logic)
    • Secured CLOUD architecture with VPN, NAT and advanced firewalls mechanisms as well as integrated operating tools (such as Zabbix) for control and monitoring of the platforms’ processes, CPU, RAM etc.
    • Integration of CMS solutions / trusted third parties for key and certificate management

Let’s talk now about your projects !

Tell us what are your pains with IoT, we will schedule a meeting with you to help you solve these issues and successfully carry out your projects

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