Solar Photovoltaic monitoring for UTILITIES, BUILDINGS & CITIES

Renewable Energy in Buildings helps you reach your energy efficiency goals and lower your energy costs. 

How to efficiently monitor your production or use it for your own consumption ?

CS-USHINE, a CommonSense IoT Platform solution

Relying on CommonSense IoT Platform®, 

CS-USHINE consists in a complete application to monitor solar photovoltaic installations from both production & maintenance perspectives

Target markets

Business challenges & needs

With the huge rise of Energy costs, Solar Photovoltaic is becoming a very popular and meaningful way to deliver green energy and lower its energy expenses.

Cities or Property managers with numerous buildings to manage, Social Landlords looking for energy efficiency or Industrial or agricultural customers willing to take benefit from their existing warehouses can all deploy photovoltaic installations and will have to monitor them.

How to grant producible from each installation and reach optimal production, prevent from failure from inverters, detect anomalies or combine self-consumption with production, for installations from few KWp to 2 MWp ?

0 %
of electricity production in European Union (2021)
GW (PV) installed in Europe
0.009 MWp
Peak power per installation

Our solution

With CS-USHINE, you can monitor everything you need from your installation : production, consumption and non-consumption meters ; inverters’ status and injected production ; solar panel strings ; outdoor temperature on panels ; irradiance ; lightening arrester… and instantly visualize and analyze your  daily production for each site (or consolidated), production history, compare real production with optimal production and producible, receive real-time notifications for any failure, breakdown or anomaly detected, integrate production with your building management solution,…

From 1 to hundreds of sites, you can easily supervise all relevant information from an easy-to-use responsive application.

The solution also adapts to the size and power of each plant.

Your production under control

Instant access to your electricity production

Predictive maintenance

Your installation is monitored and failure risks can be detected

Self-consumption or production ?

The solution helps you manage your service whatever your consumption profile is

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Your benefits

With CS-USHINE, your PV production is always under control, every data related to it is securely stored and tracked.

And it can easily integrate with other SmartBuilding services !

“From the first meeting through to the launch, we appreciated their hands-on approach.”
Samantha Johnson
“Four years in and we keep coming back because they always deliver.”
Tim Everett
“Honestly we could not have been happier with the results we've had in the campaign.”
Jessica Bright

Changing the way
consumers shop

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